Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination

So my gurl, Ace, over at Life in a Headscarf nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. So S/O & thanks to her! She posts some really cool content from real deep and heavy topics to fictional short stories- all of which is brilliantly written, so be sure to check her bloge out. Essentially I have to answer 11 questions she posed to me about myself… And y’all know how much I love talking about myself… (not really, but mkay) So leggo:

What would you choose to name yourself given the opportunity? why?

I actually have no idea, I’m quite fond of my name. Though, if I were to have a different name it would probably be Yasmin or Hana (pronounced the Arabic way, I love names with a ح (hā̛) in it, they sound so gentle and light).

If money were no object, what would you be doing with your life?

I’d spend my life travelling the world, absorbing the cultural riches and communal atmospheres from around the globe and writing whatever is inspired from that cultural capital obtained. And, when I have a husband, I’d hope he had the same desire to discover the earth that we live on so absent-mindedly on a daily basis. And, when I have a family, I’ll have to schedule my trips a bit better. But, I’d definitely would want to travel regularly- annually at least.

What is a line from your favorite poem?

This is a tough one, I love so many poems and they’re all so different and unique- which is why I love them. However, one line that stands out for me, because I quote it so damn often- even ironically, is “Do not go gentle into that good night,… Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” by Dylan Thomas. I like it because it reminds me that, no matter what, don’t stop fighting for what you believe, don’t just succumb to what the world expects or dictate you to be and be unapologetic about it. I always find a way to throw it into my farewells to friends, jokingly, but with the intention to remind them to keep on keeping on. Another line I love, from a completely different genre of poem is, “Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away.” from Sarah Kay’s poem: If I Should Have A Daughter. I like this line because it too echoes a sense of persistence and resilience in spite of the odds that may seem stacked against you.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

I’m not so sure if they’d be surprised, but whatevs. By now we all know I can say/ sing the Alphabet backwards in the same speed it takes to say/ sing it forward, that I click/ snap my fingers the wrong direction and that my right pinky finger grows skew (confused? read more about that here). But, what a lot of people may not know (or idk maybe they do) is that I wrote my first song before I wrote my first poem. It was horrendous. Wow. I was in grade 4 and I’m pretty sure I came up with the song in class and thought that it was my ticket straight to Hollywood. It was aptly titled, Hollywood Star and, from the little I recall, the chorus went along the lines of “Hollywood! I’m a Hollywood Staaar, yeah baby! Hollywood! I’m a Hollywood Staaar, yeah baby!” so… yeah, not great at all. When I did start writing poems in grade 6 I showed them to my English teacher who would put them up in class, despite their poor quality, but it kept me motivated and inspired and look where I am now (typing this blogpost, still amounting to little, but hopefully getting somewhere soon). Another fun fact: I used to be good at maths in primary school, then did really poorly (by my standard anyways: 50s-60s%) in grades 7(?), 8 and 9, that I had to attend maths tuition from grades 10-12. But, it wasn’t because I couldn’t understand it- I was (am) just very lazy- so I never worked to understand it. I then became a top maths student with 90-100% for my marks and still never did much work in class. I’d sit there, chillin’, doodlin’, homework was did and what not and when the teacher called me up to answer questions (because I wasn’t working in class), I’d walk up, work it out and write the answers down and went back to doodlin’ (who was I? lol).

#started_from_the_middle_went_to_the_kinda_bottom_then_to_the_almost_top #stayinschoolkids #itscooltoschool #EinsteinWHO #jokes #domathnotmeth

When was the last time you sobbed your heart out?

I cry so often, I lose track. *cue the depressing sympathetic music*. But, seriously, probably sometime this past week- because it’s a regular thing. And no, not because I’m always sad– I am (kinda), but because it’s healthy to cry. To have a solid sob-your-heart-out-till-snot-leaks-from-your-nose-and-your-face-is-red-and-puffy cry every once in a while and if that while is yearly or monthly or weekly (me) for you then go for it. You don’t have to make it a public spectacle (unless that’s your cry kink- idk), but dampen the sheet and pillows when you feel the need. Because, holding it back will probably just accumulate and could be detrimental. #cry&saygoodbyetotheworries&thenmovealong

What’s your biggest fear?

These questions have taken a turn for the deep… My biggest fear, wow, okay… It’s being completely alone– or rather feeling completely alone. It probably stems from seeing what that can do to people- what having nobody to confide in or to lean on or be comforted by in hard times can lead to. No friends or close relationships with family members or even romantic ties- if that’s all you’ve got. But even if it’s not all you’ve got- the fear of not ever knowing what it’s like to have and give that kind of love (not just physical- you perverts.) where you are so wholly and fully in love with a person to the same extent you love your parents (if you do), but in an obviously different way, is frightening.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

The best compliments I receive come from my close friends. I mean the worst insults come from them too- jokingly, but when the time comes to pick each other up- they say the best things to fluff my ego. One time I was complaining to a close friend about some boi issues (bc let’s be honest, if I’m spelling it as ‘boi’ they’ll always have issues) & she told me “you deserve iridescence.” and that to me was so comforting, because I didn’t believe that about myself, but to have people you trust remind you of your worth is so important. People who compliment you, not just at face value, but beneath your skin and flesh and get to the galaxy that lies within- black holes and all and still find the beauty in it- are important. Also comparing me to a french croissant topped with chocolate and everything delicious and calling dis boi dry bread was also a nice compliment in that chat.

If you had to choose one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This is hard, because I get over things quickly if I had too much of it. But, if I had to choose, probably pizza, it’s a quick kind of meal, a slice or two before you head out, on the go etc. Not dry and lame pizza, but like with a really good pesto sauce and seasoning, the base thin and light, but not too crispy, the mozzarella always fresh and warm and decadent and stringy when bitten into, with jalapeños and peppers and greatness.

Are you currently in love?

Short answer: no. Long answer, because everyone deserves some background info: Nope, I’ve had crushes that have dwindled and fizzled like passing candlelights, but I never engaged these because they weren’t like me. In the sense that their interests and my interests and their morals and my morals and their views and my views were parallels and did not have anything I could see myself living, breathing, sharing space with for the rest of my life. And I know what you’re thinking, that doesn’t mean you couldn’t have dated them. But, I don’t date. I’ve never been that type. I don’t see the point in wasting my or another person’s time unless I’m like so damn sure that it could possibly become a long and fulfilling future of mutual growth and love, otherwise, soz, boi bye. And I’ve seen people who never give themselves breathers from relationships- they bounce from one to the next, each year- or every few months, weeks, days- with a new face and that can’t be healthy. They don’t give themselves the proper time to grieve or mourn the loss of that love- which makes me wonder if they even valued it to begin with and they don’t allow themselves the time to learn and grow from each passing fling thing. I don’t want to end up in that situation– where I’m just a phase a maybe– because my time is precious and I’d like to spend it in better ways.

If you could have breakfast with anyone- dead or alive- who would it be?

Cliche Answer: The Prophet (SAW), Nelson Mandela, Rumi, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks… etc etc etc.- I need to know these great and revolutionary individuals and their stories straight from them.

Materialistic Answer: Demi Lovato (I’ve stood by her music since Camp Rock, cut me some slack), Chris Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth (he can bring Miley if he must, bc Hannah Montana was my ish too), Jason Momoa, Henry Cavill, Tom Hardy… *insert rest of celeb crushes & faves etc etc).

Meaningful Answer: My maternal grandparents whom I miss dearly and my paternal grandfather whom I never had the pleasure and honour to meet. (may they all rest in peace and be granted entry to Jannah-tul-Firdous InshaAllah Ameen)

What’s the most fearless thing you’ve ever done?

I’ve always been cheeky and ballsy when it comes to things- a quality I thought I had lost, but I guess I haven’t. I commend myself for being brazen and boldly asking questions I need answers to in life. But, in a more literal and less personal sense- I guess zip-lining mountain ranges, parasailing and trekking a foreign city in a foreign country stag on NYE (very risky) were about some of the most fearless things I’ve done.


The rules of this award are:

  1. Thank the person/persons who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog. Check!
  2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you. Check!
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions. {Do I even know 11 people? I DON’T. I stole from Ace’s list.}
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or on your blog. Check!

My nominations:

  1. alittlebreadandbutter.wordpress
  2. effzedbringsthehorizon.wordpress
  3. unlimitedimperfections.wordpress
  4. darthwardah.wordpress
  5. sassyfrombirth.wordpress
  6. troubledillusions.wordpress
  7. simplytheekp.wordpress
  8. wanderinglover.wordpress
  9. areebaartistry.wordpress

My Questions:

  1. If you were stuck on a desert island and had one bottle message to send, who would you write, what would you write and why?
  2. What is your ideal job?
  3. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
  4. When last did you genuinely laugh at something- like a full on cheeks-are-burning-belly-aching-tears-are-streaming laugh?
  5. Parents have a favourite kid, who’s your favourite parent and why (I won’t tell ’em)?
  6. What would be the name of your first child (boy/ girl)? If you don’t want kids, do you want pets? Which kind?
  7. Akhni or Biryani? Why?
  8. What is the most important quality your potential bae must have?
  9. Who was your first ever celeb crush?
  10. If you could bring back 1 group or band for a reunion tour, who would it be and why?
  11. What’s your guilty pleasure?

And that’s it!

Ciao, Adios, I’m done!


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